Don’t miss out! Register for the webinar to discover how to optimize your workflows and make the most of Monotype Fonts.
Can’t make it? Register anyway and we’ll send you a recording after the event.
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Please join us for our upcoming 45-minute webinar, “Streamline your creative process: Tips for faster, smarter work.” on Thursday, October 10 at 8 AM PDT/11 AM EDT/4 PM BST!
The webinar will be led by Monotype Fonts experts Jay Loo and Dan Rhatigan, who has over a decade of experience at Monotype. Jay will share strategies for improving your creative workflows so you can bring your design ideas to life more quickly, with less friction and more precision.
Sign up today to learn all about:
These expert insights into Monotype Fonts tools and techniques will help you avoid disruptions to your workflow so you can focus fully on your creative work.
Working with Monotype for the last 11 years, Jay’s introduction to typography through graffiti imbued in him a passion for the creative and technological aspects of fonts. His knowledge and extensive training have made him the Subject Matter Expert (SME) for all things Monotype Fonts, especially how various users consume fonts.
Dan is a typographer with over three decades of eclectic experience as a typesetter, graphic designer, typeface designer, and educator. After completing the MA in Typeface Design at the University of Reading in the UK, he went on to hold senior roles at Monotype, Adobe Fonts, Type Network, and The Type Founders, alongside publishing his own typefaces and collaborations through Bijou Type. He is also a member of the board of directors for the Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum in Two Rivers, Wisconsin.
Don’t miss out! Register for the webinar to discover how to optimize your workflows and make the most of Monotype Fonts.
Can’t make it? Register anyway and we’ll send you a recording after the event.